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S&F Prod. |
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Press T for Talk Mode, and type the following cheats.
config | Displays 'Help Config' (which is pretty useless) |
swchan | God mode |
swghost | No clipping |
swgimme | All weapons and items |
swgreed | 'All cheats on' (just god and items) |
swloc | Shows frames per second (instead of location) |
swmap | Toggles automap |
swres | Cycles resolutions from 320x200 to 1280x1024 (more modes than F5 alone) |
swstart | Restart current level |
swtrekLN | Level warp, where LN = {01, 02, ... 27, 28} |
swtrix | The rocket launcher shoots bunnies |
winpachinko | Win pachinko games on first try (once per machine) |
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Duke Nukem can drink water in Duke Nukem 3D to regain health, Shadow Warrior has
something similar. Lo Wang slowly regains his health by beating up a 'mook yan jong'
(literally a 'wooden man', a device that resembles a coat-rack) or a stuffed dummy using
only his fists.
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One other thing, when you use the smoke bomb, it looks like a red grenade, Lo Wangs truly
turns into the Shadow Warrior, his fist attack is then super powerful.
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