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Shadow Warrior

Press T for Talk Mode, and type the following cheats.

configDisplays 'Help Config' (which is pretty useless)
swchanGod mode
swghostNo clipping
swgimmeAll weapons and items
swgreed'All cheats on' (just god and items)
swlocShows frames per second (instead of location)
swmapToggles automap
swresCycles resolutions from 320x200 to 1280x1024 (more modes than F5 alone)
swstartRestart current level
swtrekLNLevel warp, where LN = {01, 02, ... 27, 28}
swtrixThe rocket launcher shoots bunnies
winpachinkoWin pachinko games on first try (once per machine)

Shadow Warrior - God mode? More like slip-in-the-shower-and-die mode. Shadow Warrior - God mode? More like slip-in-the-shower-and-die mode.


Duke Nukem can drink water in Duke Nukem 3D to regain health, Shadow Warrior has something similar.  Lo Wang slowly regains his health by beating up a 'mook yan jong' (literally a 'wooden man', a device that resembles a coat-rack) or a stuffed dummy using only his fists.

Shadow Warrior - Beating the stuffing out of wooden puppets. Shadow Warrior - Beating the stuffing out of wooden puppets.

One other thing, when you use the smoke bomb, it looks like a red grenade, Lo Wangs truly turns into the Shadow Warrior, his fist attack is then super powerful.


Build Engine Series:
[ Legend of Seven Paladins 3D | Blood | Shadow Warrior ]