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Super 3D Noah's Ark

At the title screen, hold down the M key on your keyboard to get a menu where you can listen to the songs in this game.

Start the game with the parameter DEBUG. At the title screen, hold down the TAB key on your keyboard to record a demo.

Start the game with the parameter DEBUG. Press LEFT SHIFT + ALT + BACKSPACE to enable the following cheats:
~ + AAllocate memory?
~ + BBorder color
~ + CStatistics
~ + EEnd level
~ + FPosition
~ + GInvulnerability
~ + HHurt
~ + IFree items
~ + MMemory usage
~ + NNo clipping
~ + PPause game
~ + QQuit
~ + SSlow motion
~ + TSprites
~ + VAdd extra VBLs
~ + WWarp mode
~ + XExtra stuff (=nothing?)

Press J + I + M to become invulnerable and crash the game. When you are already invulnerable by using the ~ + G cheat, you'll lose your invulnerability and your score, but you'll gain free items and you won't crash the game.

This thing in Super 3D Noah's hands is not a gun, it's a feeding device. This thing in Super 3D Noah's hands is not a gun, it's a feeding device.

