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Mortyr 2093-1944

aim [on/off]Toggle auto-aim
allitAll weapons and items
gimme allAll weapons and items
megabossGod mode *
satanGod mode *
.didFrame rate on
.dizFrame rate off
.jt LNJump to level number LN

*) You still take damage from falling, but what's worse is that I have absolutely no idea how to turn god mode off Sad. If you know how to do that, please e-mail me.

LNSingle Player Levels
41First Steps
01Outer Citadel
30Through the Citadel
10The Middle Castle
33In the Middle of the Castle
11The Cathedral
34The Darker Cathedral
12The Cemetery
13The High Castle (Imperial Theme)
14The Castle Cathedral
17The Factory
35Machine Park
07The Train Station
08U-Boat Bunker
32U-Boat Pen
06V2 Factory
09City Ruins
24The Duel
15The Time Machine
02The Future Time Machine
28Time Machine Facility
05Underground Channels
31The Sewers
03Droid Factory
19Computing Center
04City in the Clouds
16The Spaceport
29Docking Bay 94
23The Flying Fortress

LNDeathmatch Levels
21Kontamination Zone
26Deep Down Below
40Lesser Castle Prelude
42The Duel

LNCapture the Flag Level

LNCooperative Levels
36The Outer Citadel
37The High Castle
38The Castle Cathedral
39The Railway Station

Mortyr 2093-1944 - When travelling back in time, one tends to come across familiar scenes. Mortyr 2093-1944 - When travelling back in time, one tends to come across familiar scenes.


When you install the game and choose the short setup for minimal hard drive space, it still takes 100 Mb, because the game installs the movies too.  That's totally unnecessary of course, because you only need to view the company's logo once and the intro twice.

You can do something about this flaw, just replace the big AVI-files by an empty AVI like this one, and rename the empty AVIs.

The game will run just fine, but its size is down to only 2.5 Mb.  Just be sure to view Outro.avi from your cd-rom when you finish the game, not that it's that sensational, but hey it's the reward for enduring the game.

  • Mortyr's Domain. The only way to gain access to the official Mortyr 2093-1944 homepage is through the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine, since www.mortyr.com.pl is closed down.